Grant Supports Municipal Infrastructure Projects
**** CNS Media Release Grant Supports Municipal Infrastructure Projects —————————————————————- NOTE: A list of municipal projects receiving support follows this release. —————————————————————- Fifteen communities will receive support for water, wastewater, stormwater and solid waste projects through the Provincial Capital Assistance Program, the Province announced today, August 26. “Access to safe drinking water and wastewater treatment...
New Barrington Street mural reflects on time and artistry
**** DHBC Media Release New Barrington Street mural reflects on time and artistry Downtown Halifax Business Commission (DHBC) is pleased to announce the completion of a new mural entitled Sound of Time by John McPartland, also known as ABSEN. Sound of Time is on the south-facing wall of the Barrington Consulting Group building at 1326 Barrington Street. McPartland was...
SPCA received a call that there is a hurt dog in the Overton area in Yarmouth
**** Via NS SPCA Yarmouth ???? PLEASE SHARE ???? SPCA received a call that there is a hurt dog in the Overton area in Yarmouth. Our SPCA Enforcement Officers are searching and will rescue the dog, but we need your help with sightings. We are told that the dog has black fur, might be a...
Water Service Advisory – Manor Park & Southdale – Potentially Discoloured Water
**** Halifax Water Release Water Service Advisory – Manor Park & Southdale – Potentially Discoloured Water From 6:00 PM on Thursday, August 25 to 4:00 PM on Friday, August 26, customers in the Manor Park and Southdale areas of Dartmouth (see attached map) may experience temporarily discoloured water. It is recommended that those customers run the...
Fraud prevention tips via HRP
**** HRP Media Release Fraud prevention tips via HRP The best way to reduce fraud is to: take steps to safeguard your personal information and money learn how to recognize it so you don’t fall for a scam report it: notify your bank immediately if the fraud involves your bank account or credit card call...
Make your pet famous! Bide Awhile still has space in the 2022 Pet Photo Contest
**** Info via Bide Awhile Make your pet famous! We still have space in the 2022 Pet Photo Contest. Your pet’s photo will go in our annual Pet Photo Calendar. $20 per entry, all funds raised help support animal care and programs here at the shelter. Learn more and submit your entry here: Pet Photo...
**** DHBC Media Release BEDFORD ROW ACTIVATION TO BE DISCONTINUED Downtown Halifax Business Commission’s (DHBC) previously announced tactical urbanism activation of a portion of Bedford Row will not be moving forward. As part of the activation, Bedford Row was set to have a temporary, partial closure between Prince Street and the Bedford Row entrance...
Statement on First Year in Government: The following is a statement from Premier Tim Houston
**** PREMIER’S Office Release Statement on First Year in Government —————————————————————- NOTE: The following is a statement from Premier Tim Houston —————————————————————- Today marks one year since voters in Nova Scotia elected a new government. Let me begin by saying it is the honour of a lifetime to serve as Premier of Nova Scotia. Although...
Hudson’s Bay Co. says Zellers will return with a new e-commerce website and expand its presence within some Hudson’s Bay stores
**** Info via HBC Shoppers Have Something to Zelebrate Zellers to Launch First-Ever Ecommerce Site and Expand Store Footprint Canadians Rejoice As Zellers Launches an Online Shopping Experience; Shop-In-Shops To Open In Select Hudson’s Bay Stores Early Next Year Very soon, shoppers from coast to coast will have more ways to shop one of HBC’s...
If you think your pet might be stressed when they’re alone, here are some tips that can help them get comfortable
**** NS SPCA Release Now that hybrid work is a reality for many companies, it leaves pet owners wondering if their pets are going to be okay at home. If you think your pet might be stressed when they’re alone, here are some tips that can help them get comfortable: ???? Put on a nature...