The Nova Scotia RCMP is warning the public about the top three phone scams targeting residents across the province

General Intrests

**** RCMP Media Release

Top three phone scams targeting Nova Scotians

The Nova Scotia RCMP is warning the public about the top three phone scams targeting residents across the province.

A phone scam, or mass-market fraud, is when fraudsters call or text potential victims and attempt to trick them into giving up personal information or sending money.

The Nova Scotia RCMP’s Commercial Crime Section has identified the top three phone scams reported to police in the past several months:

  1. Cell phone plan: Fraudster claims to be a Bell-Aliant employee and offers a deal on cell phone plans. This scam is used to collect personal information and can end with fraudsters opening cellphone accounts in victim’s names.
  1. Power bill: Fraudster demands immediate payment for an overdue power bill with Nova Scotia Power, often by cash or e-Transfer.
  1. Emergency or grandparent scam: Fraudster pretends to be someone you know and asks for money for some sort of emergency. The most common scenario is a child or grandchild in legal trouble that needs money to avoid criminal charges.

These scams are wide-spread and can target anyone. They use fear and high-pressure sales tactics to trick people, even those who believe themselves to be scam savvy.

Be suspicious of unsolicited phone calls, especially if there is a sense of urgency or secrecy. One of the best ways to protect yourself is just by hanging up and calling the company, government agency, or family member back at a number you know is legitimate.

If you did not initiate the call, you do not know who you are talking to. Trust your instincts and do not give out personal information. If it feels like a scam, it probably is.

If you or someone you know is the victim of a scam, report it to your local police and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. For more information visit:

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