Nova Scotia health asks the public to return pulse oximeters loaned to them when they had COVID-19

The Covid Chronicle

**** NSHA Media Release

Nova Scotia health asks the public to return pulse oximeters loaned to them when they had COVID-19


Public Health continues to support Nova Scotians with access to pulse oximeters to monitor their oxygen levels at home if they have COVID-19. However, there are 2,800 pulse oximeters that have not been returned that were borrowed between January 1 – June 1, 2022.

If you received one of these pulse oximeters and have recovered from COVID-19, please remember to return it so it can be cleaned and re-used by others who need it. You can bring the pulse oximeter to your local library and place it in a return box (available at all libraries except those in the Cumberland area). They can also be returned to any COVID-19 testing centre or a Public Health Mobile Unit in your area. Find locations and hours of operation at​

If you have a pulse oximeter from Nova Scotia Health, you may receive a phone call about returning it. Please note these calls are being made by Nova Scotia Health representatives, they are not robocalls, and the number may come up as “unknown caller”.

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