Mask Requirement Removed in Public Schools

The Covid Chronicle

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release

Mask Requirement Removed in Public Schools
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development will remove the mask requirement in Nova Scotia’s public schools beginning Tuesday, May 24.

Becky Druhan, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, said today, May 19, that masks will continue to be recommended and that those students, staff, outside service providers, volunteers and visitors who choose to wear a mask will be supported.

Minister Druhan said masks helped schools mitigate the impact of COVID-19’s sixth wave. But as warmer weather approaches in June and classes can spend more time outdoors, and with Nova Scotia’s health data and school attendance data improving, Minister Druhan said now is the time to make masks optional in schools.

“Throughout the pandemic, we’ve worked closely with public health and taken steps to keep staff and students safe,” said Minister Druhan. “We strongly encourage students and staff to continue to wear masks, and we will continue to support staff and students as well as continue to supply masks and hand sanitizer.”

Minister Druhan said all provinces in Canada have removed mask mandates in schools.

Students, staff and visitors are also asked to continue to follow core public health measures, including getting vaccinated if eligible, staying home if feeling unwell, following the COVID-19 daily checklist, and washing and sanitizing hands frequently.

Additional Resources:
COVID-19 Daily Checklist:

Kids Help Phone is available 24/7, by calling 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free)


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