Pair issued Summary Offence Tickets for violating the Emergency Management Act – Truro

The Covid Chronicle

**** Truro Police Media Release

Truro Police Service received a complaint about people using a soccer field to run their dogs.

The dispatched officer arrived and located two females using the soccer field contrary to posted signs advising the field was closed.

A 42 year old female and a 26 year old female were both issued Summary Offence Tickets for violating the Emergency Management Act.

The Truro Police Service strongly advises members of the public to educate themselves on the directives and new enforcement measures in the order of the Chief Medical Officer issued on March 24 at
These measures are in place to help address the COVID-19 crisis we are facing. Everyone needs to do their part and practice social distancing, no social gatherings over 5 people, self isolate for 14 days upon entering Nova Scotia, stay out of closed parks, beaches, and trails and take precautionary measures such as frequent hand washing. We want to thank the majority of the public that are following direction and complying with these rules and regulations.

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