Potential COVID-19 exposure at Halifax restaurant, gym

The Covid Chronicle

**** NSHA Media Release

Potential COVID-19 exposure at Halifax restaurant, gym
Nova Scotia Health is advising of potential exposure to COVID-19 at the following locations:
  • Economy Shoe Shop Bar & Restaurant (1663 Argyle St., Halifax) on Nov. 8 between 8:30 p.m. – 11 p.m. ​ Anyone present at this location during the time named is asked to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. It is anticipated that anyone exposed to the virus at this location on the named date may develop symptoms up to, and including, Nov. 22.
  • John W. Lindsay YMCA Gym (5640 Sackville St., Halifax) on Nov. 9 and 10 between 6 a.m. – 8 a.m. ​ Anyone present at this location (only the gym section of the facility) during the time named is asked to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. It is anticipated that anyone exposed to the virus at this location on the named dates may develop symptoms up to, and including, Nov. 24.
Visit covid-self-assessment.novascotia.ca/ to do a self-assessment if in the past 48 hours you have had or you are currently experiencing:
  • fever or cough (new or worsening)
  • two or more of the following symptoms (new or worsening):
o​ ​ sore throat
o​ ​ runny nose
o​ ​ headache
o​ ​ shortness of breath
You can also call 811 if you don’t have online access or if you have other symptoms that concern you.
Please remember:
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
  • To self-isolate until you receive 811 advice on next steps.
  • Do not go directly to a COVID-19 assessment centre without being directed to do so by 811.
Currently, anyone travelling to Nova Scotia from outside of the Atlantic Provinces is expected to self-isolate alone for 14 days after arriving. Effective Nov. 9, if a person travelling for non-essential reasons enters Nova Scotia from outside Atlantic Canada, then everyone in the home where they are self-isolating will have to self-isolate as well.
When Nova Scotia Health Public Health makes a public notification it is not in any way a reflection on the behaviour or activities of those named in the notification.
All Nova Scotians are advised to continue monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms and are urged to follow Public Health guidelines on how to access care. Up to date information about COVID-19 is available at​ novascotia.ca/coronavirus

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