Traffic, Weather & Utility

Chester Grant Fire Update, May 23, 10 a.m.

**** LANDS/FORESTRY Media Releases Chester Grant Fire Update, May 23, 10 a.m. —————————————————————- Provincial wildfire fighting crews returned at first light today, May 23, to the Chester Grant, Lunenburg Co., area to fight a forest fire that started Friday, May 22. There are 14 fire departments, water supply tankers and Lands and Forestry staff on...

(ENDED)Frost Advisory via Environment Canada

**** Frost Advisory via Environment Canada **** ENDED  . ****** Extended: Time span: overnight and early Sunday morning. A frost advisory now issued via Environment Canada. Check out the link for more information: “Frost may damage some crops in frost-prone areas. Frost advisories are issued when temperatures are expected to reach the freezing mark...

RCMP investigates fatal motorcycle collision – Goffs

**** RCMP Media Release RCMP investigates fatal motorcycle collision Last evening, just after 8 p.m., Halifax District RCMP responded to a single-vehicle collision involving a motorcycle on Old Guysborough Rd. in Goffs. The motorcycle was travelling eastbound and left the roadway.  The driver, a 63-year-old man from Enfield, was pronounced deceased at the scene. Old Guysborough...

Response to COVID-19: Paid parking and enforcement resuming June 1, Mobile Household Special Waste event and Curbside Giveaway weekend cancelled

**** HRM Media Release Public Service Announcement Response to COVID-19: Paid parking and enforcement resuming June 1   The Halifax Regional Municipality continues to monitor and respond to the rapidly evolving effects of COVID-19. The municipality had suspended the enforcement of paid and hourly parking across the municipality in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. As...

Busy Atlantic hurricane season predicted for 2020

**** NOAA Release Busy Atlantic hurricane season predicted for 2020 Multiple climate factors indicate above-normal activity is most likely An above-normal 2020 Atlantic hurricane season is expected, according to forecasters with NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service. The outlook predicts a 60% chance of an above-normal season, a 30% chance...

Police investigating multiple new reports of thefts from vehicles

**** HRP Media Release Police investigating multiple new reports of thefts from vehicles Halifax Regional Police is investigating multiple reports of thefts from vehicles that occurred over the last month. Since April 21, Halifax Regional Police received 88 reports of thefts from vehicles throughout the region. Police are reminding people to: Lock your vehicle, even...

Stunting driver charged, second offence: 58 km/hr over the limit

**** RCMP Media Release Stunting driver charged, second offence: 58 km/hr over the limit On May 20, at approximately 8:30 a.m., a member of Windsor District RCMP was monitoring traffic on Hwy. 215, when he noted a vehicle travelling at 118 km/hr in a posted 60 km/hr zone. There were pedestrians in the area. The...

Spring road safety

**** HRP Media Release Spring road safety With Spring in full bloom, our neighbourhood streets are busy with people out and about enjoying the warm, sunny weather. Halifax Regional Police is encouraging everyone to do their part to safely share our roadways and comply with COVID-19 provincial emergency directives. Motorists: Avoid distractions and focus on...

Stunting driver charged: 100 km/hr over the speed limit

**** RCMP Media Release Stunting driver charged: 100 km/hr over the speed limit On May 18 at 1:50 p.m., a member of the RCMP’s Cape Breton Traffic Services in North Sydney was monitoring traffic on Route 4 (Grand Lake Road). They observed a black Chrysler 300 travelling at a high rate of speed and activated...

(Ended) Frost advisory via Environment Canada

**** Info via Environment Canada ENDED . Extended: Time span: overnight and early Wednesday morning. Another frost advisory via Environment Canada. Check out the link for more information: “Minimum temperatures: near zero. Locations: much of Nova Scotia. Time span: overnight and early Tuesday morning. Remarks: Frost is expected to form tonight as clearing skies...