Health and Wellness

Carbon monoxide poisoning awareness 

**** HEALTH Canada Release Carbon monoxide poisoning awareness   Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning Carbon monoxide can cause health problems before you even notice that it’s present. Breathing it in reduces your body’s ability to carry oxygen in your blood. Exposure to the gas can cause carbon monoxide poisoning (CO poisoning) and can be dangerous...

Police responded to a workplace incident in Dartmouth yesterday where two men were injured

**** HRP Media Release Two men injured in workplace incident ​ Police responded to a workplace incident in Dartmouth yesterday where two men were injured. ​ On January 10 at approximately 4:10 p.m. police responded to a report of a workplace incident at a construction site on Clarence Street in Dartmouth. Two men, both 49...

Affordable Housing Commission Progress Report

**** Housing Media Release Affordable Housing Commission Progress Report —————————————————————- NOTE: The following is a news release on behalf of the Nova Scotia Affordable Housing Commission. —————————————————————- The Nova Scotia Affordable Housing Commission has released a progress report on the Province’s efforts to address the urgent need for improved affordable housing in Nova Scotia. The...

Statement regarding ongoing efforts to address homelessness in the Halifax region

**** HRM Media Release Statement regarding ongoing efforts to address homelessness in the Halifax region The following is a statement from the Halifax Regional Municipality regarding the ongoing efforts to help the Province of Nova Scotia address homelessness in our region. The municipality expects installation for the majority of modular units (providing access to 24...

Certain Dole and President’s Choice brand salad products recalled due to Listeria monocytogenes

**** Recall via Health Canada Certain Dole and President’s Choice brand salad products recalled due to Listeria monocytogene Issue Dole Canada Company is recalling certain Dole and President’s Choice brand salad products from the marketplace due to possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. The recalled products have been sold nationally. Brand Product Size UPC Codes Dole Garden Salad 340 g...

Fire Safety During Winter Storms

**** HRFE Release Fire Safety During Winter Storms During the winter season HRM can experience extreme conditions and significant snow fall – both of which can contribute to increased hazards in your home. To help keep you and your family safe during winter storms consider the following fire safety tips: Clear snow around exits – doors, stairways...

RCMP Family Violence Initiative Fund

**** RCMP Media Release RCMP Family Violence Initiative Fund Supporting communities and victims The RCMP Family Violence Initiative Fund helps communities respond to relationship and family violence and victim issues. Since 2004, the fund has supported over 400 initiatives across Canada. In 2021-2022, the fund supported 21 initiatives, with a total of $283,761. Objectives of the fund The fund helps to: Promote awareness of...

New year, new free online wellness programs to improve your health

**** NSHA Media Release New year, new free online wellness programs to improve your health Are you looking for trusted information on living well and managing your health? Are you interested in developing knowledge and skills in healthy eating, physical activity, mental wellness, parenting, and reducing your health risks? Nova Scotia Health offers a variety...

Emergency departments experiencing high number of patient visits

**** NSHA Media Release Emergency departments experiencing high number of patient visits Emergency departments throughout Nova Scotia continue to see high patient volumes over the holidays, resulting in longer waits than usual for care. If you are experiencing an emergency, please do not hesitate to visit your nearest emergency department. Emergency departments at regional hospitals...

Ice Safety : Know the dangers of ice

**** Red Cross Release Ice Safety Know the dangers of ice Ice Factors Many factors affect ice thickness including type of water, location, the time of year and other environmental factors such as: Water depth and size of body of water. Currents, tides and other moving water. Chemicals including salt. Fluctuations in water levels. Logs...