Health and Wellness

Kinap Beach closed to swimming

**** HRM Media Release Kinap Beach closed to swimming ​ The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents that Kinap Beach in Porter’s Lake is closed to swimming until further notice due to high bacteria levels in the water. ​ Kinap Beach is a supervised beach opening tomorrow, July 1. Municipal staff regularly test the water...

Housing Developments Approved in Halifax Regional Municipality

**** CNS Media Release Housing Developments Approved in Halifax Regional Municipality —————————————————- The Province is taking action to increase housing supply in Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) faster. Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister John Lohr has approved development agreements for two sites designated as special planning areas under the Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act...

Police responded to a workplace incident that occurred in Halifax

**** HRP Media Release Man injured in workplace incident ​ Police responded to a workplace incident that occurred in Halifax yesterday. ​ At approximately 1:45 p.m. officers responded to a workplace injury call on South Armcrescent Street. A 32-year-old man fell from the rooftop of a two story building and was transported to hospital for...

Comfort Centers after a Disaster

**** HRFE Release Comfort Centres Following the activation for any municipal emergency management plan: Under the municipal emergency plan (MEP), in conditions that don’t require an evacuation, during an emergency the municipality may establish or support community comfort centers whereby a resident population may visit to receive essential needs like meals, hygiene facilities, electronic device...

Halifax Blood Donors Needed this July!

***** Info via Canadian Blood Services   Halifax Blood Donors Needed this July! Help Fill 960 appointments to meet hospital demands. We currently have the smallest donor base in a decade. We immediately need more donors to meet patient needs now and into the future.   Make appointment

Lifeguard supervision at many Nova Scotia beaches will begin on Friday, July 1

**** Natural Resources Release Lifeguard Supervision Starts July 1 ——————————————————– Lifeguard supervision at many Nova Scotia beaches will begin on Friday, July 1. About two dozen beaches in 12 counties are staffed each summer. Beaches will be supervised daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., except Mavillette Beach in Digby County, which is supervised on...

Nova Scotians will now have access to important, regularly updated healthcare data

**** HEALTH /WELLNESS Media Release   Action for Health Data Now Publicly Available ——————————————————- Nova Scotians will now have access to important, regularly updated healthcare data. The Action for Health website now includes measures so Nova Scotians can understand how the Province is tracking and measuring progress on improving the system for patients and healthcare...

Coda Pendant light fixture by Tech Lighting recalled due to risk of impact injury

**** Recall via Health Canada Coda Pendant light fixture by Tech Lighting recalled due to risk of impact injury Issue The glass Coda pendant light fixtures can detach from their electrical cord, causing the fixture to fall unexpectedly, posing a risk of impact injury to nearby users.   As of June 7, 2022, the company...

Nova Scotia is reporting 1,420 new lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19, 37 hospitalizations and seven deaths during the seven-day period ending June 20

**** HEALTH /WELLNESS Media Release COVID-19 Weekly Data Report for June 23, 2022 —————————————————- Nova Scotia is reporting 1,420 new lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19, 37 hospitalizations and seven deaths during the seven-day period ending June 20. The number of new PCR-positive tests has decreased compared to the previous reporting period; however, hospital admissions have increased...

SunVilla 10 foot Solar LED Market Umbrella recalled due to fire hazard

**** Recall via Health Canada SunVilla 10 foot Solar LED Market Umbrella recalled due to fire hazard Issue The lithium-ion batteries may overheat, posing a fire and burn hazard.   As of June 9 2022, the company has received 1 report of a battery overheating and umbrella catching fire in Canada, and no reports of...