Nova Scotians and Maritimers Encouraged to Keep Rediscovering Nova Scotia This Fall

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Nova Scotians and Maritimers Encouraged to Keep Rediscovering Nova Scotia This Fall
Tourism Nova Scotia launched new marketing campaigns this week encouraging locals and Maritimers to keep rediscovering Nova Scotia throughout the fall.

“These campaigns support extending the tourism season by focusing on the many great fall activities we have in Nova Scotia and the local travel packages businesses are offering,” said Geoff MacLellan, Minister of Business and Minister responsible for Tourism Nova Scotia. “This is a great time of year to visit a new part of the province and support local businesses.”

Nova Scotians will see a new television spot which features dramatic fall colours, delicious fall foods and exciting adventures – set to a new cover of the much-loved song What A Wonderful World by Reeny Smith, who hails from North Preston.

Maritimers will be reminded of the many things they can see and do this fall that can only be experienced in Nova Scotia.

The campaigns include television and radio ads, billboards, digital banner ads and videos, marketing and social media tactics that feature photos and videos created in partnership with local operators.

“We’re lucky to live in a province that gets better with the seasons. From exploring the stunning colours to sampling the amazing flavours and fun family activities, there are so many ways to safely enjoy our spectacular fall. We hope these campaigns will inspire people to grab their sweaters and wallets and hit the road.”
– Michele Saran, CEO, Tourism Nova Scotia

“It means a great to deal to me being involved with the promotion of tourism in Nova Scotia. My family has called this place home for generations and we are extremely proud of the contributions made to the culture and fabric of this province over hundreds of years.”
– Reeny Smith

Additional Resources:
The campaigns can be viewed at

Trip ideas, business information and other travel resources at

Answers to frequently asked questions related to travel and COVID-19 can be found at

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